Dr. Dream #2 campaign is LIVE!

Hey friends! So it’s been a while since I updated, what with school starting in August and all the trills of distance leaning, but it’s now official.

Dr. Dream issue #2 is out and available for purchase!

Because of COVID-19, all of the comic conventions were pretty much shut down. In fact, the book itself was delayed because my artist (Federico Sioc, Jr. from the Philippines) was stranded on one of the nation’s islands away from his studio. So because of this, the book couldn’t make its normal debut as all my other works have—live at a convention—where I can meet fans, talk with them about the story, about the great art inside, and about future projects. So that’s where I turned to INDIEGOGO—a way to get the books out to fans in a variety of formats while still giving access to all of the cool swag that I would normally sell at a convention.

If you’re not familiar with the series, Dr. Dream is an all ages manga style series featuring Sora Tengoku, also known as Dr. Dream. “Sora Tengoku is a simple man possessing a great power--the ability to enter people’s minds and help them sort through their troubles through their dreams.” The story came about in a personal way—I was having problems dreaming, and I thought what if we had a dream doctor? If you need dental work done, you go to a dentist. Got a broken arm? You go to a physician. Where do you go if your dreams are broken?

Go see Dr. Dream.

The other inspiration for this series is that I wanted to create a comic that my kids could enjoy. So it’s is dedicated to them. I have to say I was surprised at the 1st issue being named Comic Book of the Week by Comic Central in July as well as the great reception when it debuted at the Pull Up A Chair Expo in 2019.

And while you may have missed out on these opportunities in in 2019, the INDIEGOGO campaign is a way to get that first issue as well as the 2nd issue.

You can get both issues for as little as $5.

The campaign runs through October, and you can find the page here to reserve your copy as well as some cool goodies if you would like to up your support: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/dr-dream-issue-2-comic-book#/

Check out the original Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/dreamcomicbook/

Thanks for your support! Enjoy your Labor Day weekend!



Art update


Comic update…and Talia jumps in the art pool!